Yesterday propositions were made that needed thoughtful, prayerful consideration. [Undoubtedly refers to a proposal made by a prominent canvassing agent that Patriarchs and Prophets and Great Controversy be abbreviated and united.W. C. White.] I have carefully considered these propositions and will now say, Patriarchs and Prophets and Great Controversy must go out to the people as they are. They cover ground that reaches from the beginning to the close of this earths history, and they should not be changed. With this question settled, I feel the assurance the Lords blessing will accompany the reading of these books. We are to make as little change as possible in books which contain the light that the Lord has declared the people should have. To drop out any part of these books would not result favorably; for they are as much needed today as when they first came before the world.. 20LtMs, Ms 1, 1905, par. 3
In the future, deception of every kind is to arise, and we want solid ground for our feet. We want solid pillars for the building. Not one pin is to be removed from that which the Lord has established. The enemy will bring in false theories, such as the doctrine that there is no sanctuary. This is one of the points on which there will be a departing from the faith. Where shall we find safety unless it be in the truths that the Lord has been giving for the last fifty years? {RH, May 25, 1905 par. 28}
So far from desiring to withhold anything that I have ever published, I would feel great satisfaction in giving to the public every line of my writings that has ever been printed. {Ms4-1883.8}
1897 Lt24 No words of my copyists are put in the place of my own words. This is a testimony that cannot be controverted. (yet she was angry in the 1870s when copyists copied her word for word, and angry at Fannie Bolton for asking about every little word to change...)
1897 Lt193 I can see nothing in the manuscript sent but that is right. When yourself, and your brethren in connection with your own judgment, accept anything after this order, do not pay out postage to send the matter to me. Always use your own judgment. (the "manuscript" seems to be something Ellen wrote for a book, and that was edited by others).
1892 Lt16i (November) I believe without one shade of doubt that it was my duty to come to Australia.... There has been, especially with Fannie, but little harmony with me in my work since coming to Australia. Any letters of reproof I gave her to copy, she seemed to have no sympathy with, and I can understand your feelings when you say that letters coming directly from my pen seem to have more spirit and life than after they were prepared for the paper. Some of these letters I have read seemed to me, as you said, to lose the vital energy. I hardly knew just how to express it.
1892 Lt77 several have written me that when they could have the matter direct from my hand, it was far more forcible than after it had been prepared. It sounded like another thing, and as the matter is not designed for publication, I shall not send it to Fannie. I think Fannie feels that many of my expressions can be bettered, and she takes the life and point out of them.