Worry and anxiety are my biggest challenges. I have read an article they reminds me of what I can do while waiting on the Lord.
I am facing a challenge which I go through annually. Instead of getting myself in knots I'm going to take the advice to:
1) Be still
2) Be in the Word
3) Be assured
4) Be serving
5) Be encouraged
6) Be faithful
7) Be prayerful
8) Be wise
9) Be expectant
10) Be thankful
What is your experience of waiting on the Lord? What advice do you have to share?
Blessings in Christ
So utterly was Christ emptied of self that He made no plans for Himself. He accepted God's plans for Him, and day by day the Father unfolded His plans. So should we depend upon God, that our lives may be the simple outworking of His will. {DA 208.2}
It is hard not to worry... we easily fall into the trap because we
live in such a sinful world and attacks are happening all the time
and each day we don't know what will happen next...
at the time when I feel like i'm in the worry trap...
I pray... pray earnestly in the name of Jesus to be
put at peace... keep praying until you feel the peace
and power from heaven to not carry such burdens
that Jesus is willing to carry for us...
Let not your heart be troubled....